Need to Know Baseball Terms

Baseball can be quite confusing for people who don’t follow it regularly. It is not a typical sport like football or basketball are. Scoring points is not as simple as making a hoop or scoring a goal. There is a lot more to it.
But there are also some basic terms which are tossed around all the time. These may be very important for a person to understand which direction the game is heading. Also, if you want to put your baseball bet online using betting promo codes, you should be familiar with some ground rules of this sport.
Now we are going to talk about baseball terminology which will help you enjoy the game more if you are a beginner.

Balk – An illegal motion performed by the pitches with one or more runners on the base. It can be related to more different movements of the pitching motion but the general idea is to catch the runners off balance.
Bottom – The second half of an inning.
Bunt – A legally batted ball, however not swung. It is intentionally met with the bat so it is tapped in the infield.
Designated Hitter – A player who may bat instead of a pitcher.
Double – When a batter makes it safely to the second base without being stopped.
Double Play – It is a type of a defensive play when two offensive players are but because of one continuous action.
Dugout – The seating area for players who are currently not in play.
Fair Territory – The part of the field within and also including the first and third baseline.
Fielder’s Choice – When a fielder instead of throwing to the first base to put out the batter-runner throws the ball to a different base in order to put out the previous batter.
Force Play – When a runner loses the right to occupy the current base after the current batter becomes a runner.
Foul Territory – The part of the playing field outside the lines of the first and third base.

Ground Rule Double – The situation when a line drive bounces on the field and goes over the wall in fair territory. The hit is then counted as a ground-rule double, allowing the batter to advance to the second base.
Infield – The diamond-shape part of the field encircled by the four bases.
Line Drive – The situation when a ball is batted to a fielder directly without it ever touching the ground.
Out – This is when the umpire signifies that the player who was trying to reach the base is not entitled to it.
Outfield – The part of the playing field which goes after the infield and goes all the way to first and third baselines.
Quick Return Pitch – An illegal pitch which is done in order to catch the batter off balance.
Safe – This is when the umpire signifies that the player who was trying to reach the base is entitled to it, not having been tagged nor forced out.
Strike Zone – The area located directly over the home plate. It occupies the part from the batter’s kneecaps to the middle between the top of the batter’s shoulders and the top of the batter’s pants.
Top – The first half of an inning.
Triple – The situation when a batter makes it safely all the way to the third base without stopping.
Triple Play – A type of a defensive play where three offensive players are put out as a result of a certain action.